Keep your home or business comfortable with our air conditioning solutions. Our team provides expert installation, maintenance, and repair services to ensure efficient and effective cooling. Trust us to provide you with the best products and services for all your air conditioning needs.
HVAC (Heating, Ventilation, and Air Conditioning) systems play a critical role in ensuring indoor comfort. Our team of certified technicians are trained to provide the best solutions for your HVAC needs, from installation and maintenance to repair services. Trust us to keep you comfortable year-round
Effective extraction is key to maintaining indoor air quality. Our team offers professional extraction services for your air conditioning systems, ensuring clean and fresh air circulation. Contact us to learn more about our extraction solutions and improve the air in your home or business.
Enjoy warm and comfortable pool water year-round with our pool heating solutions. Our team offers expert installation and maintenance services for both residential and commercial properties. Contact us to learn more about our pool heating options and make the most of your swimming experience.
Maximize energy efficiency and lower your heating costs with our heat pump solutions. Our team of experts provides professional installation, maintenance, and repair services for residential and commercial properties. Contact us to learn more about how our heat pumps can benefit your home or business.
Efficiently cool large spaces with our industrial-grade chiller systems. Our team of experts provides installation, maintenance, and repair services for commercial properties. Trust us to provide you with the best chillers to meet your cooling needs.
Efficiently regulate temperature in large-scale industrial cooling systems with our cooling towers. Our team provides expert installation, maintenance, and repair services. Contact us to learn more about our cooling tower options and keep your systems running smoothly.
Keep your food and beverages at safe temperatures with our refrigeration solutions. Our team provides professional installation, maintenance, and repair services for commercial and residential properties. Contact us to learn more about our refrigeration options and ensure the freshness of your products.
"Ensure the safe and efficient operation of your air conditioning systems with our electrical services. Our team of certified technicians provides installation, maintenance, and repair services for residential and commercial properties. Trust us to keep your systems running smoothly.
Our policy statement outlines the environmental commitments and what we believe are our social obligations we undertake in our trading. Alive Air (Pty) Ltd is totally committed to environmentally sound practices, preventing environmental pollution and to ensure the preservation of natural resources.
We do our part to prevent environmental damage by minimising energy used within our offices and warehouses and to ensure that sustainable development is operational through all of our offices. Therefore, it is our commitment to:
"Get in touch with us today for all your air conditioning needs. Fill out our contact form. Our team is ready to assist you and provide you with the best solutions."